Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Technology, technology, technology.....5th Blog: Reflection

24th April 2011

Well where do I start.....  Technology is EVERYWHERE!!!! And the possibilites are endless, where the learning oppertunites are countless.
First of all may I start with the blogging aspect of technology? I have found the concept of blogging to be very challenging and frustrating. This has been a first for me and I guess no matter how young or old you can be technology is always new and does have the benefits, risks, and challenges just like everything else I guess. My perspective on technology has changed dramatically, and I now can understand my role in this area of the curriculum.

On reflction In regards to the learning from blogging I have been very grateful and thankful as this has been a learning opportunity for me. I have found that we are all cybercitizens, and that this journey has been a learning oppertunity where we have all been able to learn and teach together and alongside each other. I guess the appropriate word to use is ako. I have watched and observed in class and online the many ways we have scaffolded each other’s learning in blogging, and also the patience and perseverance from one another. Too often we have faced challenges and ways we have overcome and faced these challenges are from others who have guided and supported one another. Vygotskys socio cultural theory can be applied to this course assessment, where we have co constructed and learnt in a social context.
I have enjoyed using the blog as a form of communication, to connect with my peers and present my work with children. I also have liked how I have had the opportunity to reflect and respond on my fellow classmates blogs. This has been a vital tool to see how others foster the use of technology within their centres and their approaches while working and identifying the different technology areas. I personally liked be able to give feedback, and comment on others work and philosiphies.
I have noticed that alot of my learning has come from the comments others have left on my blogs and this has been evident when they have left suggestions on ways I can go beyond, by extending the learning for children in the areas of technology. I also have enjoyed the literature used in comments, for example krista left a refrence for me to explore other findings and approaches to enhance my own perspective on technology. I also found that this gave my pers oppertunites to relate to my work, and give them an understanding of how i approach and foster technology with children.
I liked reading the comments where my peers have highlighted aspects and approaches that I do well, and where my own philosophy is showing through. It is important we develop and understand where we are as educators and understand our own beliefs about technology first, so we can then promote and foster the children’s use of technology in centres. Technology is important to children and is everywhere in their lives, and provides children with links to people, places, things, and events.
However, on reflection I must admit from my own practice while first working on my blog I have found it very hard to step out of my own thinking about technology. For some reason, before I started this course I asssicoated technology as ICT, and couldnt really see the bigger picture. From class discussion I was able to strengthen my understanding in this area and to extend on this I blogged about technology at the art table and also at the carpentry table.
It has been a huge eye opener for me overall, acknowledging technology is everywhere, and our world is constantly changing from past, present and future. Technology has a huge link to this aspect as technology is constantly evolving.  We as teachers play a vital role in fostering the use of technology within the curriculum and we need to support, role model, scaffold and demonstrate how to use technology and how it affects and impacts our everyday lives.

Who knows where technology may take us or our children, who are the future Einstein’s....we aren’t driving around in flying cars another 50 years we maybe...or maybe not


  1. Yes it will be exciting to see what the future brings. When I was at University one of my most memorable assignments involved interviewing an older member in my family and reflecting on technological changes across our lifetimes. I interviewed my Grandmother and was amazed to realise that my Grandmother grew up in an era without many of the basic things we take for granted now, like electricity in the home - the implications of this alone is huge!

    In terms of this course - good to see you reflecting on your own learning and being aware of stepping outside your comfort zone - that's when genuinely interesting things start to happen! I wonder if you have continued to think about the good question you raised in class about socio-economics being a factor affecting children's access to technology?

  2. Thank you Tamar, yes I have considered this but seem to have forgotten to reflect on this issue. I still believe that some people do have limited accesses to a variety of technology, and this appears not to be only ICT. On further reflection from your comment Tamar I have actually come to realise that many people in society do not have the benefits others do or equal opportunities perhaps like they have in the past. This could be due to limited access, affordability, or unfamiliarity. For example in today’s current day and age everyday people struggle with finances, which this in turn may affect their opportunity to access say a home telephone? I must also highlight that I have also been able to extend on my own thinking not only this area but also, older people may be unfamiliar with the use of the computer say my great grandmother for example as this form of technology is very unfamiliar to her as I was talking to her the other day, but this has not stopped her giving it ago....however she is adamant the computer are not her thing. Perhaps because she is stuck in her ways and is so out of her comfort zone. Bless, she says can be very frustrating g using one and takes too long... but she gave it ago.....

    I also have had a similar conversation with my husband a couple of weeks ago...I’m not sure how we started talking about this subject but he mentioned how privileged we are having the technology we have such as the internet, (he didn’t have it growing up) today and how we really do take it for granted... I had to agree but from my own personal and group learning in class, I said we actually take all forms of technology for further our discussion I then said we’ll look we take a pen for granted don’t we, in the past pens were once feathers dipped in ink..........
    Without many forms of technology such as electricity, medical equipment, ICT, mechanical...the implications would be huge in particular, in today’s day and age...
